An easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
A branch version of Nacos adapted for JDK 17 and SpringBoot 3. This version is still in the testing stage and should not be used in production environments.

Nacos for SpringBoot 3

Nacos /nɑ:kəʊs/ 是 Naming and Configuration Service 的首字母缩写,是一个更易于构建云原生应用的动态服务发现、配置管理和服务管理平台。Nacos for SpringBoot 3 是一个正在孵化的项目,由本人负责代码的演进与项目的推动工作。


在上一篇文章《并发编排与响应式初步》,我们已经对CompletableFuture的功能进行了深入的探讨,并简要介绍了Reactor响应式流相关的概念。然而,要熟练掌握异步任务编排并非一朝一夕之事,尤其是在需要处理 I/O 密集型应用或者一些特殊场景。

Structured Concurrency

Structured Concurrency is avaiable as an incubator API in the JDK 19. This is still about Project Loom, probably one of the most anticipated features of the JDK 19.

Virtual Thread

In traditional Java high-concurrency projects, context switching of threads brings huge memory overhead. The emergence of thread pools solved these problems to some extent, but Java threads still could not escape the control of the OS. Thus, virtual threads came into being.


微服务是基于分而治之的思想演化出来的。过去传统的一个大型而又全面的系统,随着互联网的发展已经很难满足市场对技术的需求,于是我们从单独架构发展到分布式架构,又从分布式架构发展到 SOA 架构,服务不断的被拆分和分解,粒度也越来越小,直到微服务架构的诞生。